


Saguenay Fjord in Quebec, Canada

4Laffs@ Saguenay Fjord in Quebec, Canada

4Laffs are a typical family with an atypical lifestyle.  We love all of the usual stuff, play all of the usual sports, and hang out with the usual number of friends (y’all are great BTW!).  What’s weird about us is that over the last 18 years, we have consistently moved our homes and our lives about once every two years. What’s also strange is that we have lived within our means and saved as much as we could, even with just one income.

After working (too) hard for 15 years, I wanted some serious time away from work with the kids, and figured out what I thought it would cost to spend a year in LCOL Mississippi.  Once we were committed to the cost, we started daydreaming about a better way to spend the time.  So when we take the leap this time, we will not be moving to a new job in a new town – at least not right away.  Right now, our plan is uproot from the Virginia Peninsula in August 2015 and make it back to Mississippi, but we are taking the long way home. See 28000 miles to MS and the Itinerary Post – ALaff

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5 thoughts on “About

  1. Jan van Gelder

    Hello family ALaff, we met in The Little Yard nearby the great wall. Your way of upbringing and education was impressive. Have a good journey to you! We ( Theo and Jan) are now home.

    1. 4laffs Post author

      I am glad that you and Theo made it home safely. I enjoyed our conversation very much at Little Yard. Thank you for reading the site and for letting us know you are well. – Andrew

    1. 4laffs Post author

      Hello Jenny! Thanks for being a great host at An Thi Homestay in Hoi An. We will leave a great review on AirBnB!

  2. Mary Farmer

    Took me long enough to take a look at your site, but it is truly astounding. The places you went to and the things you documented are wonderful. You guys really put together a wonderful presentation. I’ll keep this one book marked for future reference. It may come on handy one day. I hope everyone is well and covid free. Touch base of you get this, your friends in Virginia still think about you guys.

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