As with any place that millions of people visit every year, you can expect to wait in line at most attractions in Paris. Even in the lower season, this has been the case. To try to improve our odds of…
Paris – Settling in and Notre Dame
This post is a little belated. Not so much because we have been busy (we have!), but purely because I do not know where to start. We have seen and learned so many things here, that I don’t know what…

The Eiffel Tower (by Caleb)
9/13/15 – As I am writing this I have been in Paris for about a week, and we have been to many great places. Today I am going to talk about the Eiffel Tower. Getting to the top is a…
Ahead of Schedule
Well, we thought it would take longer, but we can already mark two items off of our RTW scavenger hunt: Public Urination and Govt Shakedown. We were told to keep a watchful eye out for both, but we honestly thought…
A Long Day in Paris (by Anna)
9/9/15 – Wednesday everyone slept in, including Grammy and Pa who got in that morning. In the afternoon we went on a walk to Notre Dame. In Notre Dame it showed the story of the birth of Christ in stone…

Sweden Costs
Well, Sweden was awesome. As we sit here in Paris now, I have finally put together all of the costs for the jaunt to Scandinavia. There were a few outstanding items that I went ahead and included. I suppose if…

5… 4… 3… 2 great days in Stockholm
We had high hopes for the better part of a week in Stockholm. We landed on a Tuesday and our flight out was not until Sunday morning. On the first day, we were so jet-lagged from travelling Memphis-La Guardia-JFK-Stockholm that we…
Our First Week (by Anna)
8/30 – First day of the trip we had to wake up at 4:30am, 4:30!!!!!!! TERRIBLE. The plane got to New York at about 9:30am, but the plane for Sweden leaves at 9:30pm. We will be sitting in the airport…

Seemed like a good idea. The Vasa (by Caleb)
9/5- As I am writing this we have been in Sweden 4 days and have finally mastered the subway system. My first day in Sweden basically consisted of getting lost twice and carrying 60lbs of baggage around, because halfway through…

A Rocky Start
8/31- Day 1, Travel Day Our plan for the day was to fly into LaGuardia airport in NYC, ride the shuttle to JFK airport, store our luggage, then go out and explore the city during our 10 hour layover. I…